While most of these resources might have originally been intended for therapists, some people using this site could well benefit from trying out some of the techniques recommended. However, for optimal, and safe, benefit, I recommend you establish a good relationship with a trained therapist, discuss these with that person, and only then try them out for yourself.
These resources discuss important elements in helping people benefit from counselling.
The majority of the materials are in the form of MP3 sound recordings from webinars.. Please note: they are of approximately an hour's duration, and approximately
200 Mb (video) 100 Mb (audio) in size, so bandwidth considerationa are important.
They have been organised into three subject groupings:
Trauma-related;Skills, Development-related, and Therapy-related -- see the relevant tabs below.
Guides to understanding and dealing with the effects of emotional, especially interpersonal, trauma.
Learn more...
Guides to developing skills in Emotion Regulation, Mindfulness, Relationships
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Guides to better managing the conduct of therapy sessions; or to benefitting from participating in therapy.
Learn more...
A discussion, in four parts,between renowned clinical researchers Bessel van der Kolk
and Daniel Siegel, of the past, present, and possible future of trauma therspy
(parts overlap slightly)